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Parks & Recreation Department

Welcome to the Bradford County Parks and Recreation page. Bradford County is home to five publicly accessible lakes and two wildlife management areas, with many opportunities for recreation on land and water.

Lakes And Boat Ramp Locations

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Wildlife Management Areas

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The Santa Fe Swamp Wildlife Management Area (WMA) consist of 7,272 acres and is open for fishing, wildlife viewing, horseback riding, hiking, and bicycling throughout the year. Children under the age of 16 are required to wear a helmet when horseback riding on public lands. Hunting of white-tailed deer, feral hog, turkey, gray squirrel, and eastern cottontail rabbit is allowed in this WMA during specified seasons with primitive weapons only (bow and arrow and muzzleloader). For more information about this WMA please click here.

Raiford WMA consists of 9,141 acres and is located along the New River in northwest Bradford County. The New River flows through the center of the WMA, and Olustee Creek (which branches off of the New River) flows through the eastern portion of the WMA. Much of the area is closed or in private ownership but the remaining portion of the area is open for hunting during specified seasons. Wild turkey, white-tailed deer, gray squirrel, eastern cottontail rabbit, gopher tortoise, raccoon, and red-tailed hawk are some of the wildlife species that can be found in the area. For more information about this WMA please click here.