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Public Records Requests
Clerk to the Board
Mail: Public Records Request RMLO
P.O. Drawer B
Starke, Florida 32091

Information Technology

The Department of Information Technology facilitates every aspect of Bradford County Government.
What We Provide:
  • Enterprise Redundant Internet Services
  • Enterprise Redundant Voice Over IP Unified Communications
  • Enterprise Redundant Layer 2 and 3 Local Area Network (Terrestrially and Wirelessly)
  • Unified Email
  • Commercial Radio Backhaul via Microwave
  • Implementation and Management of VHF Public Safety Radio Systems and Tower Sites
  • Tower Inspections
  • Enterprise Data Security
  • Enterprise Redundant Hyper-Converged Server Hosting Infrastructure
  • On and Off-Site Data Replication/Resiliency Services, Colocation, and Disaster Recovery
  • Environmentally Controlled, Class A Code Compliant Data Center Protected by Non-Destructive Fire Suppression,
  • Line Conditioning UPS Power, and Automated Secondary and Tertiary Power.
  • Website Services for BOCC
  • County Satellite Phone Management
  • County Cellular Phone and Wireless Data Management
  • Purchasing and Installation of IT Related Equipment
  • Project Management
  • Annual Audits
  • Weather Monitoring
  • 24/7/365 Support and Maintenance of Above Services
We work in partnership with our clients, combining their knowledge of processes with our technology expertise to develop robust business solutions.

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